Spotlight Support

Our Statement on Giving:

So, why give generously to Spotlight Good News?  Here are five good reasons.

1.     Through our Spotlight Good News Omaha radio program and podcast, you spotlight the encouraging stories of people who are living for God’s glory. Their stories inspire us and many others to live to serve Jesus Christ, as well.

2.     Through our Spotlight Service website page, you link people to Christ-centered churches and independent ministries where they can make a difference in the lives of others.

3.     By means of our Spotlight Speakers website page, you participate in making available wonderful speakers who address a wide-range of biblical subjects to churches, groups, and organizations.

4.     Through Spotlight Good News, you assist us to network area Christian leaders to one another so that together we can make an even greater impact with the Good News.

5.     By way of our Spotlight Scripture ministry, you make available our Spotlight Matthew weekday devotional study to all who want to grow in the Good News. You provide for upcoming releases such as “Spotlight Theology: An Introduction to What We Believe,” and “Spotlight Church Health: A Look at How Jesus Did Ministry.”


I finally ask you to give generously for a more intangible reason: It’s called vision. Spotlight Good News is less than four months old. I encourage you to partner with us not only because of what we already are doing, but because of what is yet to come. I think of the so-called Hall of Fame of Faith recorded in Hebrews 11. Over and over, the writer states, “By faith…” God’s Old Testament people stepped out for God’s glory. The writer then exhorts the readers of Hebrews to carry on this “by faith” legacy in their own lives. And this is just what we are doing at Spotlight Good News; we are listening to God for His vision and then stepping forward in faith. We believe the best is yet to come. I ask you to join this faith-driven vision by partnering with us through prayer, through a relationship with us, and through financial support. I particularly ask you to consider Spotlight Good News at this time as you plan your 2021 year-end giving. Thank you for doing so.

Yours, by faith,

Tim Janiszewski